R A D I O     M A T C H     R E V I E W E D


 The games of the U.S.A.- U.S.S.R Radio Match are re-
published with annotations b y the American players.
The second part of this series will appear next month.

 10.    Anthony Santasiere   vs.  David Bronstein

                                                   notes by I. A. Horowitz

                                                                                                                              CHESS REVIEW MAY 1946

22 P-N3        B-B2

Now this deflection from the important diagonal leaves White all opening for greater stakes than a mere Pawn.

23 Q-KN5        B-K4
24 B-KB3!      R-R2
25 B-B3!!          . . . .

A positional stroke which demolishes Black's Pawn structure and leaves him easy prey in the endgame.

25 . . . .         RxRch
26 RxR         P-B3   

Naturally not 26…..BxB; 27 R-Q8ch etc.

27 BxB        QxB
28 QxQ        PxQ
  29 R-Q6       N-Q4
   30 RxKP      NxNP
31 RxKP     
. . . .

Net result: White is a Pawn to the good, but Black's passed Pawn must be stopped dead in its tracks.

31 . . . .        P-QR4
32 B-Q1      K-N2   

For on 32, .. P-R5; 33 R-K4 picks off the Pawn. E.g., 33 ... P-R6; 34 RxN, P-R7; 35 B-N3ch, etc.

33 B-R4        N-Q6
34 R-Q5        N-N7
   35 R-Q4       R-QB2

At first sight, the text move seems to offer the best chance. While a complete analysis would be too voluminous, better prospects are in sight after 35 ... NxB. quickly followed by a King excursion to the Queen-side to support the passed Pawn. This procedure frees the Black Rook to penetrate on one of the open files  and to harry the opposition with tactical threats.

36 K-B1        . . . .

Now White's King gets a head to nip any such plan in the bud.

36 . . . .          R-B8ch
37 K-K2        R-QR8
38 B-N3        P-R5    
39 R-Q7ch    K-B3   
40 R-R7        P-N4  

Pure momentum. Only a feeble resistance is possible.

41 B-B2        P-R4
 42 R-R6ch    K-K2
43 P-R3        P-N3
44 PxP          PxP  
      45 K-Q2       N-B5ch

For on 45….P-R6; 46 K-B3, Black’s Knight is trapped.

46 K-B3        N-Q3
47 RxP          . . . .   

From here on Black remains with skin and bones and little of that.

47 . . . .        RxR
      48 BxR       N-K5ch
   49 K-Q4     NxBP
  50 K-K5     K-B2
  51 B-B2     K-N2
  52 K-B5     K-R3
  53 P-K4     K-N2
  54 K-K5     K-N3
  55 K-Q6     K-N2
  56 P-K5     N-R8
       57 P-K6     Resigns


 Grunfeld System

D. Bronstein     A.E. Santasiere
White               Black

1 P-Q4        N-KB3
2 P-QB4     P-KN3
3 N-QB3     P-Q4    
 4 N-B3        B-N2     
5 P-K3        O-O      
 6 Q-N3        P-K3     
7 B-K2        P-N3    
8 O-O         B-N2   

The double fianchetto. Black's structure is sound but delicate. The exchange of either of his Bishops perforates the structure.

9 R-Ql        QN-Q2
10 B-Q2        P-B4      
11 QR-Bl      Q-Nl      

A la Reti in truly hypermodern fashion, but lacking the touch and technique.
Black's plan Is:
• to prevent N-K5.
• to protect the Queen Bishop.
• to regroup his forces via... P-QR3,
…Q-R2, ... QR-Bl and, .. Q-R1 so that his Queen and Bishop, doubled on the diagonal, will bear down on the opposing center.
When, as and if this is achieved, the question is: what has been accomplished? !
The straightforward procedure is 11 ... Q-K2, followed by opposing Rooks on the Queen's bishop and Queen's flies.

12 BPxP         . . . .

To open files and diagonals for the masked batteries.

12 . . . .        NxP

12 ... KPxP; 13 PxP, PxP results in hanging center Pawns. But their weakness is compensated for in their control of important squares. However, judgment and technique of the highest order are essential to this strategy.

13 Q-R4!        . . . .

Lending itself to such tactical threats as B-R6 and the weakening of the white squares in Black's Queen•side Pawn structure. Black's lagging development and flank congestion leave him without too happy a solution.

13 . . . .        R-Q1
14 NxN       BxN   

The alternative 14 …PxKt still gives the position resiliency and flexibility at the expense of hanging Pawns. Yet, there is no approach to exploit them.

15 P-QN4!        . . . .

Forcing open the file.

15 . . . .        PxQP

15 ... PxNP offer's better prospects. For one thing, White's Knight does not assume the commanding position it enjoys in the game. Again, Black's long term prospects are enhanced by his Queen•side Pawn majority.

16 NxP        P-QR3

Not 16 ... BxN as Black cannot afford to part with his valuable Bishop.

17 N-B6        . . . .

Duress! One of the Bishops must go and Black's Queen-side is breached.

17 . . . .        BxN
       18 QxB       P-QN4?

Ill timed and a decisive blunder. For now White has a direct target in the Queen•side Pawns, as the ensuing play discloses. Better is 18…. N-K4 with a view to liquidating, achieving Bishops of opposite colors and aiming for the draw.
A possible continuation Is 18 ... N-K4; 19 Q-B2, R-QB1; 20 QxRch, QxQ; 21 RxQch, RxR; 22 BxP, R-R1; 23 P-N5, R-Ql; 24 K-Bl, R-Q6 and Black should draw: e.g., 25 K-K2, R-R6 recovers the Pawn, or 25 K-K1, R-R6; 26 B-Bl, NQ6ch and Black has no difficulties.

19 P-QR4!        PxP

Black's Queen's Rook Pawn becomes the target.

20 QxP(4)        N-N3
21 Q-R5           B-K4

Temporary tactical measures defer the immediate loss of the Pawn.


                                                                       Game 1 in viewer                               Game 2 in viewer                

The authoritative notes to the USA-USSR Radio Match games in this series were prepared exclusively for CHESS REVIEW by members of the United States team. 




A.E. Santasiere            D. Bronstein
White                   Black

1 N-KB3              N-KB3
2 P-QN4              
. . . .       

When P-QN4 is played on the first move, the opening is regarded as the Orangoutang, to commemorate Dr. Tartakover's visit to the Bronx Zoo during tile New York 1924 Masters Tournament. When it is played on the second move, it is a hybrid Orangoutang, or an Orangoutang Deferred or possibly, as Santasiere prefers to call it, Santasiere's f'olly. But whatever Its "monniker", an Orangoutang by any other name smells just as sweet.
Specifically, the opening is an irregular, hypermodern, distinguished from the more usual 2 P-QN3 by the advance of tbe Pawn two squares instead of one.
The advantage of' the double advance is that the Pawn momentarily controls the important square QB5 and hinders ,to some extent, the opponent's Queen-side development. This is offset somewhat by the inherent weakness in the nature of any advanced unit, which may require defense and serves as a target.

2 . . . .       P-Q3

One of a variety of defenses. Since White's Bishop is headed for QN2, Black bolsters the black squares to counteract its influence.

3 P-Q4        P-Kn3
 4 P-B4        B-N2    
5 B-N2        O-O     
 6 QN-Q2    P-QR4

Clashing with the advanced Pawn.

7 P-QR3      . . . .

For if 7 P-N5, White is duty bound to maintain his Queen's Pawn on its present square as otherwise Black will occupy his QB4 with a Knight to advantage.

7 . . . .       P-K4

Technically feasible.

8 PxKP      . . . .

The alternative 8 P-K3 is met by …P-K5, compelling the abject retreat 9 N-KN1. For 9 N-N-5 leaves the Knight on a limb. 8 P-K4 would not do as after the exchange …. PxP, White’s King Pawn would set up as a target. 8 P-Q5 would commit White to a Queen-side attack as against which, Black would counter wIth a King•side assault. Of the two, the latter Is the more dangerous.

   8 . . . .             KN-Q2!
9 P-K3            . . . .    

   But here, the logical continuation appears to be the fianchetto of the KB with 9 P-KN3. For at KN2, the Biship bears down on the commanding diagonal, where in conjunction with the advanced Queen-side Pawns, some pressure might be worked up against Black's right flank.

   9 . . . .             N-QB3   
10 Q-N3           RPxP   
11 RPxP           RxRch
    12 BxR              N(3)xKP
13 B-B3 P-QB4

Black's last is double-edged. While it fixes White's QBP as an immobile target, It leaves Black's QP backward.


14 B-K2      Q-B3
15 N-K4      Q-K2
16 BxN         
. . . .  

That Bishops are more valuable than Knights is conceded among masters. There Is no special reason, under the circumstances for parting with the Bishop. Correct is 16 O-O, followed by R-Q1 with pressure on the QP.

Dissipating the weakness of Black's Queen's Pawn but in turn clearing the approach to Black's remaining Pawns on the Queen's wing. In addition, White hopes to profit from the fact that his Queen's Bishop Pawn holds two of Black,'s Pawns in check.

17 . . . .      PxP

18 O-O         . . . .

18 Q-N5 might be met by ….P-N3. For if then 19 QxNP, NxP is good enough. 18 N-B3 is not good: 18 ... NxNch: 19 BxN, Q-K4; 20 N-Q5, Q-R8ch; 21 B-Ql, Q-R4ch; and wherever the King goes, he Is not only in danger but also interferes with the natural development of his forces.

18 . . . .        B-N5
19 N (4)-Q2  
. . . .

Incomprehensible. Surely, the thought of a doubled Pawn is not enough to alarm the most timid. 19 R-QNl, with pressure on the adverse QNP is indicated.

19. . . .        N-B3!

To occupy QN5 and lessen the pressure on the NP.

20 R-Q1        N-N5
21 N-N1          . . . .  

Aiming for Q5 via B3. It is difficult to suggest a good plan.

21 . . . .        Q-B3
22 N-R3       . . . .   

The Knight is now sidetracked instead of centralized.

22 . . . .        R-R1  
23 N-Q4    
 . . . .    

To simplify, but Black is not unwilling. His attention will focus on White's weak Queen Bishop Pawn.

23  . . . .         BxB   
24 NxB        Q-N7

Compelling the exchange of Queens.

25 QxQ        BxQ
  26 N-N5       N-B3
 27 R-N1        . . . .

Threatening 27 ... R-R5.

Time wasting, as the Bishop is immune to capture. But in any event White's task is cut out for him. For instance: 27 P-B4, N-R4; 28 N-Q6, R-Ql, when the pin is annoying. Or 27 P-B4, N-R4; 28 R-Q7, NxP; 29 RxNP, NxKP; 30 N-Q6, N-N5 (threatening mate). Black's passed Pawn plus the insecurity of White's King rule In Black's favor.

27 . . . .         R-R5
28 N-N3       B-K4
29 P-B4       B-N2
  30 N-Q6      R-N5 !

Defending his own weak Pawn and maintaining the attack on the enemy Pawn.

31 R-QB1        P-B4

Black's technique is good. He will drive White's Knight from Q6, doubly attack and pick off the Queen's Bishop Pawn.

32 P-K4        . . . .

Necessary to obtain counterplay.

32 . . . .         B-Q5ch

But now the Bishop comes into its own.

 33 K-R1       B-K6!
34 R-B1       N-R4
35 PxP         NxP   
36 NxN        RxN  
37 PxP         PxP  
     38 P-B5       P-KN4!
  39 P-B6       R-B8!
 40 RxR        BxR   

The game may be over with precision
play. But White does not put up the
best resistance. 41 K-N1, and an end run
with the King to the Queen side wlll
check the Black Pawns. Now It is over.

41 N-K4?       P-B5
42 P-N4           . . . .

2 K-N1, B-N7 and the King Is too late.