27. . . . Q-R6?
Hallucinations! Until the moment my hand quitted the piece,
I thought fate was at last smiling on me - changing a bad game to a good
one. 28 Q-Q7! . . . . The end of that dream! If 28 NxP??, R-B8; 29 R-BI, Q-R8; or 28 QxBP, RxN,or 28 P-R3 (P-N3 is answered in thee same way), P-QN4. 28. . . . Q-B1 If 28 ... N-B3; 29 Q-Q8ch, N-Nl: 30 NQ5, P-R3! 31 P-R3! should win without difficulty.
29 Q-Q8 P-N3 At last!
30 . . . . K-N2 If 32 P-N3, N-B2 can be played. If 32 QxN?, R-B8; 33 R-Bl, , RxRch with a perpetual check. 32. . . . R-B8
32... N-B2 may offer more hope since the following
exchanges lead to a fairly definite win for White. However, with two
minutes left on my clock.
33 RxR QxRch
Adjourned after thirteen hours or play. 36 K-N3 P-B3 I resume play, not exactly refreshed after two hours traveling, eight hours work and no sleep!
37 K-B3 K-B2
Very poor. A better fight might be made with ... K-Q3 and ... K-B3. though the game is lost with any defense. 41 K-Q3 N-N4 I intended N-Q8 but then noticed that after 42 P-B3 the Knight would be trapped.
42 P-B3 N-Q3 Passive resistance is equally futile.
44 K-N4 P-N4 Else ....P-N5 might be annoying.
. . . .
My last hope had been to exchange the Knight Pawn,
sacrifice the Knight for a center Pawn in the event of a Pawn exchange in
that region, and win the remaining Pawn with my King, After the text,
there is no hope at all. |
1 P-Q4
N-KB3 Black's most promising line against 4 P-K3. 5 N-K2
B-N2 6 ... B-K2 is preferable. The text aids White's development and concedes the two Bishops. There is, however, some counterplay. 7 NxB P-Q4 Aimed against 8 P-B3 followed eventually by P-K4 (building a strong center): and also to preserve the Bishop's influence on the diagonal. 8 B-K2 . . . . Preferable to 8 B-Q3 because it preserves the possibility of fighting for the long diagonal with B-B3. 8. . . .
O-O White welcomes Pawn exchanges, because opening up the position will favor the Bishops. He thus anticipates the inevitable ... P-B4, without which Black's game would be lifeless. 10 . . . . PxP The immediate ... P-B4 is risky. 11 B-N2
P-B4 Preparing to develop the Rooks and incidentally threatening the Queen's Knight Pawn. 13 Q-K2 . . . . Developing, and defending the Knight Pawn indirectly. If 13 ... PxNP; 14 PxP, QxP; 15 B-R3, QxN; 16 KR-Bl, Q-R4; 17 BxR, Q-KN4; 18 P-B4 wins the exchange, (15 N-N5, as in the text, is also good for White). 13 . . . . KR-Q1 With the Idea of playing 14 ... PxQP; 15 PxP, N-Bl exerting pressure against the isolated Queen's Pawn and having play on the black squares on the Kingside (... N-N3-B5 or R5). If 13 ... PxQP?; 14 PxP, KR-Ql; 15 P-Q5! Is a powerful thrust. 14 KR-Q1 . . . . Maintaining the possibility of P-Q5 if Black tries to isolate the Queen's Pawn. White also has the alternative of 14 QPxP, PxP; 15 P-N5 with a promising Queen•side Pawn majority. 14 . . . . PxNP After 14… N-Bl White maintains his advantage. 15 PxP QxP Risky, but passive play Is not promising either.
16 N-N5 . . . . Threatening 17 B-R3, Q-R4; 18 B-Q6 or 18 B-K7 winning the Queen. 16 . . . . KR-QB1
17 B-Q3 B-K5 17 ... Q-K2; 18 NxP leaves White with much the better game. 18 BxB NxB The two Bishops are gone, but Black's game is disorganized. 19 NxP N-B6 19 ... R-B2 looks better (if 20 N-B6., Q-B1). 20 BxN . . . . If 20 Q-Q2, R-B2 or ... R-B5 is satisfactory. 20. . . . RxB 20 ... QxB has been suggested as preferable, but Black's game is still uncomfortable. 21 Q-B3 . . . . If 21 N-B6? RxR!; 22 NxQ. R(6)-B8 leads to a promising endgame for Black.
21. . . . R-KB1
21 ... R-Kl is belter, During the game I was under the
impression that there would then follow 22 Q-N7, N-B3; 23 N-B6, Q-Q3; 24
R-R7 forcing 24 .. R-KB1 after which White has a choice of 25 N-R7ch as in
the text. or 25 N-K5, Q-Nl; 26 R-Nl.
I 25 ... RxN: 26 R-R8ch!, R-Kl; 21 QxQ and wins. 22 Q-N7 . . . . A dire fate shapes up for the lonely Queen's Knight Pawn. 22 . . . . N-B3 If 22 …. Q-K2; 23 P-Q5 Is strong. 23 N-B6 Q-Q3 If 23.,. Q-N7?; 24 N-K5!, R-B7; 25 R-R8 wins very quickly (25…, N-Kl; 26 RxN!). 24 N-K7ch . . . . Wins the Queen's Knight Pawn.
24 . . . .
K-R1 Unfortunately there is no time for…R-B2.
26 RxRch NxR This looks risky, but isn't.
Game 1 in viewer Game 2 in viewer | ||
1 P-K4
P-K4 Since Ragozin Is reputed to be an aggressive, original player, it is interesting to speculate on the game that might have occurred it he had played 3 ... B-B4 and I continued with the intended Evan.’s Gambit 4 P-QN4 (do or die!). 4 N-N5
P-Q4 11 ... O~O; 12 O-O, BxN; 13 PxB,
Q-Q5ch; 12 N-QB3 . . . . A good alternative is 12 O-O. 12 . . . .
14 P-Q4 Q-KB4 14 ... PxP e.p. .seems slightly
better. 15 Q-Q2 . . . . 15 B-K3 with an eye to 16 Q-Q2 and 17 O-O-O may be feasible, but the text seemed an easy way to hold the edge. 15 . . . . B-K3 15 ... P-KN4 (to prevent 16 Q-B4) is
hazardous: 16 R-KBl, Q-K3; 17 N-N5!, PxN; 18 BxPch, N-B3 ( if l8 ... B-Q2;
19 QxN wins a Pawn); 19 Q-B3, B-Q2 (If 19 ...O-O; 20 QxN, B-Q2: 21 QxQ, 16 Q-B4
QxQ Preferring to straighten out Black's Pawn position rather than have my own weakened. 18 . . . .
PxN At this point I expected to win the game, for my Pawns are as easily mobilized as Black's, and I have the two Bishops to back them up. However, my following play Is too optimistic. 19 . . . .
K-K2 The Kings are best posted in the center. 20. . . .
N-B3 ... P-N4 cannot be blocked for long (If 22 P-KR4, P-N3 is effective against P-R5), but ... P-B5 can be held off. 22 . . . .
I underestimated the strength of this. Other' moves are inferior. 24 QR-KB1 . . . .
Still hoping to profit by the opening of the King Rook file. 24 . . . . N-K2 Taking the sting out of B-N4 and also
with the possibility of ... N-N3 hitting the King Rook Pawn and supporting
the advance of his own King Bishop Pawn. |
With all the White pieces posted on the King•side, 26 ... P-R5 could have a most disorganizing effect.
26 . . . .
QR-QN1 The road to ruin. 28 PxPch, PxP; 29 P-R3 makes it difficult to lose the game for White, for instance 29 …RxR; 30 RxR, N-N3; 31 R-R6 or 29 …..N-N3; 30 B-R5. The blocking of the position with the text favors the Knigbt; conversely, the opening of the position would favor White's Bishops. 28. . . . R-N1! Blockading White's Pawn. Black a definite advantage now.
29 P-R3 B-Q2 Avoiding an exchange of Bishops for the moment. My ideas about winning are gone. I would gladly take a draw.
30 . . . . K-N2 31 P-R4 is far from inviting.
31 . . . . B-N4 White's Bishop is useless. While Black dominates the board. The exchange would therefore have been well motivated for White.
32. . . .
KR-KB1 The time limit nears. As 34 P-R4, B-Q6: 35 P-QN4, PxPch; 36 RxP, RxR; 37 KxR, R-Nlch; 38 K-B3, R-N8 gives Black a fairly easy win, and mere stalling allows him to strengthen his position, I have no choice. I must try to block the position and exchange Bishops , hoping to restrain the advance of the King's Bishop Pawn.
34. . . . P-R5 Confession that I've been outplayed.
35 . . . .
The first step In Black's plan to assure the advance of his King Bishop
Pawn while keeping the Queen•side Pawns immobilized. This plan may be
divided into the following stages:
38 K-Q2 K-B2 Adjourned at this point. I spent a considerable amount of time finding the best counterplay.
41 . . . .
R-B2 Stage one (see above). 45 K-N2 R(N2)-B2 Lest White's Queen Bishop Pawn get ideas, presumably.
46 R-KN1 R-QB3
Stage two.
50 K-R2 K-B3 |
53 B-Q2 N-K3
54 R-KN1 . . . . Seeking counterplay along the King Knight file, if Black plays for connected passed Pawns-with an eye on QN6, where a Rook would mate Black. 54 . . . . R(1)-B2
54 … P-B5; 55 PxP, NxP would have been strong against 54 R-KN2 as well as
against the text. But 54 ... P-B5; 55 PxP, PxP gives White counterplay
with 56 R-N6! threatening 57 BxP. If 56 ... P-K6; 57 BxP, RxR; 58 PxR, PxB;
59 Note that 54 ... N-N2 accomplishes nothing. White replies 55 R-KR2, when the Knight must return to K3, for lf 55 P-B5?; 56 PxP, PxP; 57 RxN or 55 R(1)-B2; 56 BxP!, PxB; 57 P-R6 regaining the piece with good chances or if 55 ... R(3)-B2; 56 B-Bl and Black dare not play 56 ... P-B5; 57 PxP, PxP; 58 R-N6 (or 58 BxP). 55 B-B1 N-N2 Stage four. 56 R-KR2 P-B5 Ragozin has played carefully to prepare the push. My inexact 54th move quickly proves fatal.
57 PxP
PxP 58 ... P-K6 is answered by 59 K-Q3.
59 R-KB2 . . . .
If 59 BxP, RxR; 60 PxR, P-B7 wins as well as 59 ... NxP; 60
RxR, NxR with the winning threat of N-N5. If 59 B-K3, RxR; 60 PxR, R-B3
wins easily; but not 59 ... P-B7??; 60 RxBP! (not 60 BxBP, R-B6ch and 61
... RxBch ); nor 59 ... NxP; 60 RxR, NxR, 61 RxP, K-B3 (if 61 ... N-N5??;
62 R-N6 mate);
59 . . . . RxR If 62 P-N7, simply ... NxB.
62. . . .
RxP 64 BxN, RxB Is hopeless for White (65 R-R6, P-B7ch!).
64 . . . .
N-K7ch I could just as well resign. If 66 R-R6 or R-R8, NxPch; 67 K-B3, N--B3 wins. If 66 RxR, PxR, wIns.
66 . . . .
NxPch One last gasp. 67 . . . . N-K7ch
Or 67 ... P-B7; 68 KxN, P-B8(Q); 69 R-N7ch, K-R3; 70
R-N6ch, K-R2; 71 KxP, Q-Q6ch; 72 K-B6, R-N3ch; 73 BQ6, RxBch; 74 PxR,
QxPch! and wins.