Sarah's Chess Journal

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         The History and The Culture of Chess

Uedemann Code

Louis Uedemann (1854-1912) was the chess reporter for the Chicago Times. He was also the first U.S. Open champion, winning the tournament in Excelsior Minnesota in 1900. He developed a code that was later refined by Mr. D. A. Gringmuth, of St. Petersburg,  "a leading Russian problem composer," [Steinitz] and adapted for use with telegraphs for cable matches.  Gringmuth's notation was first used in the telegraphic match between London and St Petersburg in November, 1886.

     Louis Uedemann

This code is the invention of Mr. D. Gringmuth, a leading Russian problem composer, and has been adopted in several matches. An account of it may be found in La Strategie, the Times-Democrat of New Orleans, The International Chess Magazine, and the Chess Players' Annual. By means of it two different moves can be combined in one word for transmission. If telegraphing only one game the first two syllables would represent White's move, and the last two syllables Black's answer. In the match between London and St. Petersburg, in which two games were simultaneously contested, the first two syllables represented the move in the game in which the party sending the dispatch had the first move, and the two last syllables the move of the same party in the game in which their adversaries had the first move. The squares are designated in the following diagram [see above], and each move is designated by giving the square from which the piece or pawn is moved, followed by the square to which it is moved. By an extension of the code suggested by E. D. Nores in the Times-Democrat, the letter c, added to the last syllable, designates "check;" similarly p means "take pawn en passant;" l added to the symbols for the King's and Rook's squares, means Castles; q, r, b, k, added to the last syllable indicate that a pawn reaching the last row becomes respectively a queen, rook, bishop, or knight ; and finally m means mate, and s, stalemate.

Thus Game No. 2, in Philidor's Defence, p. 154, would be recorded as follows for telegraphing: —
                     Gegoseso Kahireri Fefoteto Fosottogo Hiworiro Sosiwazi Cadipepi
                     Wogorogo Fazowewi Zosozawa Daworari Bafarisi Hadonare Dosi.

                                                                                                            William Steinitz, The Modern Chess Instructor (1889)

Radio Teletape

- The first letter indicates the board number and the following 4 letters, the move
      reply - the first letter indicates the board, the next 4 repeat the move, the last 4 give the reply move